Role of Monks in Wisdom Stimulation in the New Normal Era Role of Monks in Wisdom Stimulation in the New Normal Era

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Phra Manop Chotigo (Hongpan)
Phra Ponsawan Thitiyano


 Role of Priests in wisdoms Stimulation in the New Normal Era It is the monks acting to stimulate the wisdoms. To solve various problems is to use wisdoms to solve problems of self and society. By being aware of the problems that arise to be informed don't panic In a situation where the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (Covic-19) is spreading in Thai society, by using mindfulness and applying the ten principles of the Kalama Sutta to analyze, collect data, reflect, find reasons, consider the problems that arise. This article aims to 1) Study the concepts of monks' roles in wisdoms stimulation in the New Normal era. 2) Guidelines for developing the roles of monks in New Normal wisdoms stimulation through 3 types of wisdoms: 1) Wisdoms from Listening 2) Wisdom from thinking
3) wisdoms from practice in solving problems in a systematic way Considering problems and finding solutions to problems in economic, social, political, and the epidemic
of coronavirus disease 2019 (Covic-19) to be able to adjust the body and mind to be able to live mindfulness

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How to Cite
Chotigo (Hongpan), P. M. . ., & Thitiyano, P. P. . (2022). Role of Monks in Wisdom Stimulation in the New Normal Era: Role of Monks in Wisdom Stimulation in the New Normal Era. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 9(1), 1–10. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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