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Panuekkaew Klangka
Suwin Thongpan
Jaras Leeka


This action research aimed to 1) study the stress management problems of the parents of children with pediatric critical illnesses, 2) develop the stress management program based on Buddhist ethics and 3) study the results of the stress management program based on Buddhist ethics. The samples consisted of 15 registered nurses and 62 parents of children with pediatric critical illnesses. Data were collected by using a
stress management interview form, a stress self-assessment form and a questionnaire on stress management. Data were analyzed by content analysis, frequency distribution, percentage and mean.
The differences of the mean stress scores and stress management approaches after using the program were compared by t-test.
The results were as follows.
1. In terms of the stress management problem, it was found that most of the parents used the emotional focused coping approach, but the problem focused coping approach was least used.
2. The principles of mindfulness in accordance with the principle of Satipatthana 4, the 4 Noble Truths and the Trinity Principle were adopted to develop the stress management program according to Buddhist ethics, consisting of 5 activities: 1) open mind to learn new things, 2) be aware and calm, 3) face the truth and learn to change, 4) live with causes and effects, understand and correct them, and 5) make conclusion.
3. For the results of the stress management program based on Buddhist ethics, after using the program, the mean stress scores of the group using the program (Mean=1.08, SD=1.62) were lower than those of the group that did not use the program (Mean=2.27, SD=0.08) with statistical significance (t=31.54, p<0.05). The mean scores on stress man agement of the group using the program (Mean=4.31, SD=0.06) were higher than those of the group that did not use the program (Mean=3.47, SD=0.08) with statistical significance
(t=37.67, p<0.05).


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How to Cite
Klangka, P., Thongpan, S. ., & Leeka, J. . . (2021). THE DEVELOPMENT OF A STRESS MANAGEMENT PROGRAM BASED ON BUDDHIST ETHICS FOR PARENTS OF CRITICALLY ILL CHILDREN IN KHON KAEN HOSPITAL. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(4), 214–227. retrieved from
Research Article


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