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Chanthana Sankham
Chakkapan Wongpornpavan
Suwin Thongpan


The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the justice concept of the
administrative order period 2) to study the concept of justice of John Rawls and 3) to analyze the justice of the administrative order period following the perspective of John Rawls in the Administrative Procedure Act 1996 (BE 2539), Section 39/1. This study was documentary research carried out by using the descriptive analysis method.
The research results were as follows:
1) The justice concept of the administrative order period is to set a minimum standard for the administrative officer to issue an order in writing within 30 days from the date the officer receives the request, and the documents are correct and complete to bring justice to the people and enforce the law effectively.
2) John Rawls’ concept of justice is influenced by social contract, liberalism, and utilitarianism. Rawls focuses on freedom and equality and does not accept naturalistic reasoning. Equality only occurs to help disadvantaged individuals.
3) The justice of the administrative order period according to Rawls' concept in the Administrative Procedure Act 1996 (BE 2539), Section 39/1 with the case the officer receives the request and the documents are correct and complete, do not make it an illegal order within 30 days. The measure forcing officials to issue orders within 30 days is a command power, not a law enforcement measure causing the officials to neglect the legal procedure, delay the process, do not consider the individual to accept freely. The solution must be clearly defined in disciplinary action. After the expiration of the period specified by the law, it shall be deemed that the issuance of an implicit order to protect freedom and equality upholds the law's state.

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How to Cite
Sankham, C. ., Wongpornpavan, C. ., & Thongpan, S. . (2021). JUSTICE OF THE PERIOD FOR THE ADMINISTRATIVE ORDER IN ACCORDANCE WITH JOHN RAWLS’ PERSPECTIVE. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(3), 310–327. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/jg-mcukk/article/view/248549
Research Article


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