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Sakhorn Urairoch
Kanokporn Rattanasuteerakul
Choopug Suttisa


The purposes of this study were to community empowerment in management of the Nam Phong Power Plant Development Fund Khon Kaen Province. Determine an area within a 3-kilometer radius around the power plant. The research method is
participatory action research by collecting, reviewing, and analyzing documentary data, participatory observation, in-depth Interview, focus group, and the establishment of community empowerment and participation processes in target group. The results of the research revealed that the problems and obstacles of the establishment of the Nam Phong Power Plant Development Fund are divided into 2 phases. The first phase was due to the establishment of a power development fund without legal provisions and the establishment of a power development fund committee, lack of public participation. The late phase was caused by problems from stakeholders around the power plant, lack of participation and lack of information systems, problems from fund management, and problems from fund operations. The guidelines for community empowerment in management of the Nam Phong Power Plant Development Fund consists of a three approach.
1) Organizational level: The social responsibility management model for the Power
Development Fund by adopting the participation process, encouraging education and encouraging target groups to do it themselves, and working with sustainability in mind through Develop economy, society, community and environment at the same time.
1.2) Promote the management of the Power Fund in accordance with the intent of the Power Development Fund. 2) Within individuals and communities, it consists in empowering individual communities, including enhancing leadership skills and creating a sense of community. The community level consists of building a learning community, setting common goals and setting strategies to meet the needs of the area. 3) Guidelines for sustainable development by fostering participation in fund management at every stage in order to drive sustainable development of the economy, society and the environment in the community.

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How to Cite
Urairoch, S. ., Rattanasuteerakul, K. ., & Suttisa, . C. . (2021). GUIDELINES FOR COMMUNITY EMPOWERMENT IN MANAGEMENT OF THE NAM PHONG POWER PLANT DEVELOPMENT FUND, KHON KAEN PROVINCE. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(2), 285–299. Retrieved from
Research Article


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