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Saifon Insrichuen
Chokchai Panomkwan
Duangporn Pakahan
Adul Wuttijurepan
Ratchareeyaporn Rithisart


          This quasi-experimental research aimed to compare the health behavior to control the blood pressure in older persons with hypertension before and after receiving the Develop care of Hypertension Program, and to compare level of blood pressure in older persons with hypertension between the experimental group and control group.

          The subjects were 44 older persons, who lived in Phrae Municipality, Phrae Province more than 1 year from 2019. They were divided into 2 groups: 22 persons in each group by purposive sampling. The instruments was approved by 3 experts, obtaining a CVI of 1, and acceptable reliability at .82. The control group received conventional nursing care while the experimental group received the Develop care of Hypertension Program for twelve weeks. The data were analyzed using descriptive and  t-test statistics.

           The results are summarized as follows:
           1. The mean score of health behavior to control the blood pressure in older persons after received the Develop care of Hypertension Program was significantly higher than before received program which referring better health behavior to control the blood pressure.(p < .05)
           2. The mean score of health behavior to control the blood pressure in older persons experimental group after received the Develop care of Hypertension Program was significantly higher than Control Group, before received program which referring better health behavior to control the blood pressure.(p < .05)
           3. The mean score of level of blood pressure in older persons with hypertension after received the Develop care of Hypertension Program was significantly lower than the subject receiving conventional care which referring better level of blood pressure. (p < .05)
          4. The mean score of level of blood pressure in older persons with hypertension after received the Develop care of Hypertension Program was significantly lower than Control Group, receiving conventional care which referring better level of blood pressure. (p < .05)

          The Develop care of Hypertension Program allows the Older person to learn, understand and apply to change behavior and perform activities continuously, resulting in the ability to control the blood pressure of the older person with hypertension.

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How to Cite
Insrichuen, S., Panomkwan, C. ., Pakahan, D. ., Wuttijurepan, A. ., & Rithisart, R. . (2021). THE EFFECT OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF HYPERTENSION SELF-CARE PROGRAM IN OLDER PERSONS WITH HYPERTENSION. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(2), 102–116. Retrieved from
Research Article


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