Building of Strength to Community in the Age of Thailand 4.0: A Case Study of The Strength-Community of Nong-Krungthanasan Sub-District Administrative Organization,Phu-Viang District, Khon Kaen Province

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Phramaha Jaroon Kitthipanyo
Jaras Leeka



         This research has its aim at studying the strength of community, the method of fortifying of strength to community, and proposing the guideline for building strength to community in Nong-Krungthanasan Sub-District Administrative Organization, Phu-Viang District, KhonKaen Province in the age of Thailand 4.0. This study is of qualitative research by deep interview and focus group with 60 respondents. The research analyzed by description analysis following the inductive method.

          The results of research were as follows:

  1. 1. There are six categories of the strength of community: 1) the quality of life, 2) community-economics—having innovation of community-knowledge, 3) social network, 4) safety in life and properties—having village-volunteers, 5) management of natural resources and environment, and 6) community culture—keeping on local culture, enabling it to peacefulness of community.

  2. 2. There are five methods of fortifying of strength to community: 1) public relation, and knowledge-giving 2) meeting, 3) public hearing of community, 4) preparing plan, and 5) following up and evaluation.

  3. 3. There are five guidelines for building the strength to community: 1) community-Technology, 2) community-economics, 3) community-resources, 4) community-management, and 5) community network. These five guidelines would enable community to affluence, stability and sustainability.





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How to Cite
Kitthipanyo, P. J. ., & Leeka, J. . (2021). Building of Strength to Community in the Age of Thailand 4.0: A Case Study of The Strength-Community of Nong-Krungthanasan Sub-District Administrative Organization,Phu-Viang District, Khon Kaen Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 8(1), 189–201. Retrieved from
Research Article


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