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Anan Kromnoi
Kittipich Khampaenjiraroch
Radchaneeboon Neadpuckdee


The purposes of this research are to evaluate Or 22101 Fundamental English curriculum for seventh grade class in accordance with Basic Education Core Curriculum B.E. 2551, Ban Nong Waeng Yao School in four aspects: context, input, process and product. The researcher has conducted evaluation in line with curriculum evaluation of Stufflebeam. The sample group consists of 18 cases. The research tools are divided into two types: 1) three sets of 5-rating scale questionnaire: 1.1) three copies of school curriculum evaluation questionnaire including executive copy, instructor copy and student copy;
1.2) two copies of basic evaluation questionnaire for Fundamental English curriculum including executive copy and instructor copy; and 1.3) questionnaire for Fundamental English curriculum application process including executive copy and instructor copy; 2) two copies of product evaluation of Fundamental English curriculum and desire characteristics evaluation: 2.1) learning achievement survey for Or22101 Fundamental English of seventh graders, second semester, 2019 academic year; and 2.2) desire characteristic evaluation of seventh graders, second semester, 2019 academic year. The analysis is conducted with quantitative data derived from evaluation and survey. The computer program is applied for data analysis. The statistics used in this research comprise of frequency, percentage, mean (X) and standard deviation (S.D.).   

       The results prove that: 1) curriculum evaluation results find that opinion level is high. For each aspect, opinion that congruence of Or 22101 Fundamental English curriculum and core curriculum at high level and congruence of English curriculum and community at moderate level; 2) evaluation on input finds that opinion is at moderate level. For each aspect, opinion that personnel have English language readiness and consistent development at high level, while classroom facilities such as television, computer and stereos at moderate level; and 3) process evaluation results prove that opinion level is high. For each aspect, opinion that personnel prepare instruction before class and instructors follow up students or provide suggestion at moderate level; and 4) product evaluation results find that opinion is at moderate level. For each aspect, opinion that students are more interested in English language at high level, while students can apply English subject for daily life at moderate level.

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How to Cite
Kromnoi, A., Khampaenjiraroch, K. . ., & Neadpuckdee, R. . . (2020). CIPP MODEL EVALUATION OF FOUNDATION ENGLISH (E 21101) MATTHAYOM 1 FOLLOWING CORE CURRICULUM 2008 USING CIPP MODEL. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(4), 424–443. Retrieved from
Research Article


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