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Tanicha Kongpradit
Preecha Kummadee



          The 21st century economy, organizations need to develop for keep up with the changing and fierce competition of the business world. The government nurses to move the national economy with the Thailand 4.0 policy, which they are an economic policy moving by creativity, innovation and high value services. Personal with little skills need to adapt to work that requires knowledge. expertise and more advanced skills because human resources were the most valuable resource of an organization and they were an important factor in making a business successful in operations or losing to its competitors. Human resource management when the economic context changes, so that the organization can grow in a new context with strength and efficiency. Therefore, the idea must be used to drive the economy to increase production capacity in line with the needs of the market and society, including 1) Attracting high-potential employees to the event 2) Promoting and supporting the use of technology in work processes 3) Organizational human resource development 4) Caring for and paying attention to and maintaining personnel 5) Creating employee engagement 6) Change management by changing work methods and 7) bringing human resource management into the main line of work.



Human Resource Management, Thailand 4.0 Era

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How to Cite
Kongpradit, T., & Kummadee, P. . (2020). HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TO MOVE THE ECONOMY FOR THAILAND 4.0 ERA. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(3), 45–60. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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