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Phirullak Yuwawech
Kitima Thamalee


The purpose of this research was to 1) study personal factors. Business fundamentals of water transportation operators and the risk management of the logistics business of water transportation operators in the Chao Phraya River transport route to Cambodian waters. 2) Comparison of risk management for logistic businesses. Logistics of water transportation operators on the Chao Phraya River to Cambodia Classified by personal factors and 3) Comparison of the risk management of the logistics business of the water transportation operators in the Chao Phraya River transport route to Cambodian waters Classified by business fundamentals of water transportation operators The sample group used in the research was the water transport operators in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Province. And Saraburi province, a total of 268 people were randomly selected. The instrument used in the research was a 5 rating scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.97. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation. T-test One-way Analysis of Variance And pair testing using LSD

               The results of the research revealed that 1) Most of the respondents were male, aged between 40-49 years, marital status, education level below bachelor degree. And has a position as a stock officer As for business fundamentals Most of the respondents belong to the type of business that is a limited company. With a business period of 11 years or more, having the characteristics of carrying goods as a way of transporting goods for both trips and trips The volume of cargo in each trip has an average loading area between 75 - 80 percent of the loading area. No subcontracting in product transportation Access to the loading and unloading locations by which the port or the loading and unloading station is an asset. Determine the organization's transportation schedule by the carrier The product types that are transported in the tubes are chemical fertilizer / cement / sand. The type of goods being delivered in the uptrend are oil / coal / ore. The amount of goods that are transported each time is 20,000 tons and over. The average number of trips for a product is 15 trips per month. The service fee per transaction depends on the agreement. And the value of the goods per 2 - 9 million baht per time and the risk management of the logistics business of the water transportation operators in the Chao Phraya River to the Cambodian waters in general is at a high level. The aspect that has the highest average value is finance, followed by compliance with regulations. And the lowest mean is the operation. 2) Water transport operators in Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya province And Saraburi province With different positions The overall risk management of the logistics business is different, and 3) the fundamentals of the business of the water carrier With different types of goods being transported on the tubes There are different overall risk management of the logistics business.

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How to Cite
Yuwawech, P. ., & Thamalee, K. . (2020). THE RISK MANAGEMENT OF THE LOGISTIC BUSINESS OF WATER RANSPORTATION OPERATORS ON THE CHAO PHRAYA RIVER TO CAMBODIA . Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(3), 293–311. Retrieved from
Research Article


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