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Sutthiphan Arunyawat
Aphichaya Phansee
Yoawanit Arunyawat


The objective of this research is 1) to study the supporting factors for community development for the sustainability of the people and the local government organization in Roi Et Province 2) to study the role of the monks in the development of the community for the sustainability of the people and the local government organizations in 3) to study the community development process for the sustainability of the people and local administrative organizations Roi Et Province Conducted with a qualitative research methodology. Data were collected from 35 target groups, including villagers, community leaders, clergy and experts.

          The result of the research shows that

  1. Supporting factors for community development for the sustainability of the people and local government organizations in Roi Et Province, including. 1) knowledgeable and capable community leaders. 2) participation in public activities. 3) management. 4) management Shared knowledge of the community. 5) local knowledge and community culture, and 6) support from government agencies and private organizations.

  2. The role of monks in community development for the sustainability of the people and the local government organizations Localities in Roi Et Province found that monks play a significant role in the community. Because all people in this area are Buddhists. Culture, community, customs and traditions therefore adhere to Buddhism. The monks are involved and have a role in the way of life of the community. Therefore, the role of monks becomes natural community leaders. In addition to the Buddhist ritual according to the way of life of the community Monks are also involved in other community activities, such as public development, community benefits. The roles of monks in the development of prominent communities include propagation and public welfare.

  3. The process of community development for sustainability of people and local government organizations in Roi Et Province found that the creation of learning process to create knowledge Correct understanding of community development. As well as understanding to be familiar with oneself Create awareness to know the value of living a right life Know the value of the environment and natural resources. Emphasize the participation of community members By finding solutions to problems and determining the direction ahead of the community In order to be able to adapt and be the foundation for further learning And strengthen the community. The goal is that the community must create various development activities through the participation of community members. The procedures are as follows: 1) Consultation meeting with mutual agreement 2) Defining development policy or community development planning 3) Implementing the policy to develop and implement the process and 4) Evaluation or inspected by people in the community to participate as a committee with the relevant agencies.

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How to Cite
Arunyawat, S. ., Phansee, A. ., & Arunyawat, Y. . (2020). THE PROCESS OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FOR THE SUSTAINABILITY OF THE PUBLIC AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS IN ROI-ET PROVINCE. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(4), 361–375. Retrieved from
Research Article


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