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Aoitip Buajun
Tepthai Chotchai
Somruethai Phadungphol
Kirana Taearak
Chonlakarn Songsri


            This cross sectional descriptive study aimed to study stress, copingstrategies, factors related to stress, guideline and method for relieve the stress among Students in KhonKaenProvince.Data were collected from a sample of 132peopleby using questionnaire. Data were analyzedand presented by frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, minimum,maximum, Chi-square and Fisher’s exact test. The results showed that

            The sample had stress 69.70%.Most of them had high stress level,71.74%. The coping strategiesthat almost of them always use wasto solve problems or control situations, 28.26%.Factors that were significantly associated with stress (P-value<0.05)were too many assignments and the classroom environment is not conducive to teaching and learning. The guidelines for stress prevention that almost of them specifymust not think to do, 26.47%, as for the method of stress reduction, the most specified listen to music, 38.24%.This study suggested those involved with students should provide facilities for them including the arrangement of an appropriate environment. In addition, should be the activities continued to promote mental health of students.



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How to Cite
Buajun, A. ., Chotchai, T. ., Phadungphol, S. ., Taearak, K. ., & Songsri, C. . (2020). STRESS AND COPING STRATEGIESAMONG PUBLIC HEALTH STUDENTS . Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 7(2), 193–203. Retrieved from
Research Article


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