An Analytical Study of Aesthetical Beauty in the three meritorious principles

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พระธีรภัทร์ ธิติวิสุทฺธี
พระครูภาวนา โพธิคุณ
โสวิทย์ บํารุงภักดิ์


               This thesis had three main purposes: (1) to study a concept ofbeauty in aesthetics, (2) to study three meritorious principles in Theravada Buddhist philosophy, and (3) to study analytically the aesthetical beautyaccording to three meritorious principles in Buddhism. A result of this study was found that the aesthetical beauty was the beauty in a way of human life. The West believed in a way of metaphysics and ethics but they stressed on reasons and perfect of human beings. They signified the aesthetical beauty about the way of human life rather than mere imagination of God. However, the aesthetical beauty in the East came from Buddhism The beauty according to three meritorious principles was divided into three levels: primary beauty—giving, middle beauty—morality, and final beauty—meditation. The beauty was the valuable art. Self-development for morality, mindfulness, wisdom, reasonable consideration was the beauty both in the outside and inside aspects that had contributed a lot to peace and happiness in the present time. In order to grow the beauty for personal life and societies, it was possible to start it in the family and spread it toward societies and over all areas of the world. A result of beauty in Three Meritorious Principles was divided into three levels: giving with faith to make people rapturous, observed morality to cause beautiful skin and a bright face like a wise man, and practiced meditation or self-development with meditation to cause wisdom and systematic, reasonable thinking through the prosperous societies.

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How to Cite
ธิติวิสุทฺธี พ., โพธิคุณ พ., & บํารุงภักดิ์ โ. (2014). An Analytical Study of Aesthetical Beauty in the three meritorious principles. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 1(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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