Strategie Development of Learning Organization in Municipal School under Local Administration in the North East Area

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Somwang Rodthaisong
Wichian Rooyuenyong


The purposes of this research were to study the components of developing learning organizations, to assess the needs and to develop strategies for developing learning organizations in schools under the local administrative organizations in the Northeast region. The sample group used in this research consisted of 434 directors and teachers of the schools. The sample size was determined by R.V. Krejcie& D.W. Morgan using stratified random sampling. The instruments used to collect data were questionnaires and propriety, feasibility and utility assessment model. The data were analyzed by computer program. The statistics used for data analysis included frequency, mean, standard deviation and the PNI Modified index was used to analyze the needs.

The research results were found that:

  1. An analysis of the needs by the PNI Modified Index in overall was found that the aspects that the needs were at a high level were the leader of change, followed by the adjustment and change to make progress in the organization which was the weakness of the developing learning organizations in schools under the local administrative organization in the Northeast region, while the aspects that the needs were at a low level consisted of cooperative decision making in creating vision, followed by system thinking and cooperative learning respectively.

  2. 2. The development of strategies for learning organization development in schools under the local administrative organization in the Northeast region consisted of 7 strategies as follows: The 1st strategy: The leader of change to learning organization. The 2nd strategy: Change teachers to be progressive in organization. The 3rd strategy: Promoting the teaching professional ethics for teachers towards the goal of learning organization. The 4th strategy: Enhancing the atmosphere and culture of knowledge seeking. The 5th strategy: Cooperative learning to create culture team. The 6th strategy: System thinking to the goal of learning organization. The 7th strategy: Cooperative determining the vision of all sectors.

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How to Cite
Rodthaisong, S. ., & Rooyuenyong, W. (2019). Strategie Development of Learning Organization in Municipal School under Local Administration in the North East Area. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(4), 221–234. retrieved from
Research Article


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