The community development by Buddhist according to Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province

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Phrakhru Sirisothornkanarak


The objectives of this research were; 1) to analyze the context,problems andobstaclesinthecommunitydevelopmentbyBuddhistaccording to Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province, 2) to study the mean to apply the appropriate concepts and theoriesandAparihaniyadhamma for communitydevelopmentby Buddhistin YasothonProvince, and 3) to propose a model of the community development by Buddhist according to Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province.

The research findings were found as follows:1)Most respondents were male, 70 people, representing 51.0,the highest age from 40-49 years, representing 31.3,there are 76 undergraduate studies, 56.7,with monthly income from 5,001-10,000 baht or 38.5,there is a relationship in the community which is 94 people living in the community, representing 67.2.;2)The general condition that is a problem is government organizations or government agencies. Should care about the welfare and infrastructure in the community.And the development of people in the community to have morality and ethics in order to be a valued person with virtue.Should consider the factors of human resource development, namely the level of individual wisdom in receiving and learning cultivating public consciousness,reduce selfishness and training skills in knowledge and ethics.The development of people in the community must be promoted in the career of innovation. Opportunity for new generations to participate in expressing opinions for community development. And must be promoted support Buddhism including the application of the principles of the Apiriyatham in the life of progress.;3) CommunityreviewsthedevelopmentbyBuddhistaccordingto Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province were at the highest level ( =4.56, S.D.=.40)when considered each side it was found that the opinion of community development by Buddhist according to Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province were at the highest level on all sides. On average of descending order are: Respect the adults ( = 4.73, S.D.=.35), lady protection do not be persecuted( = 4.67, S.D.=.48), the pagoda is a monument of national importance ( = 4.65, S.D.=.43), the protection of monks and nuns who practice well in the state( =4.65,S.D.=.44),the meeting was convened simultaneously. And united at the meeting ( =4.49,S.D.=.54), the aspect of regular meeting( =4.40,S.D.=.60), and non-destructiveor abandonment provisions following order ( = 4.33, S.D.=.86)

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How to Cite
Sirisothornkanarak, P. (2019). The community development by Buddhist according to Aparihaniyadhamma in Yasothon Province. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(3), 337–349. Retrieved from
Research Article


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