Development of Educational Quality Assurance Process in School Underthe Office of Primary Educational Service Area

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Phramaha Kittisak Siriwattago (Noosura)


          The main objective of the study (1) to study the problem of Internal Education QualityAssurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 (2) to develop the model of Internal Education Quality Assurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 and (3) to present the process of Internal Education Quality Assurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1.       

Research methodology was a mixed method research by mean of applying the qualitative research and qualitative research. The qualitative research was conducted by in-dept interview from the key informants before the focus group discussion for developing the completed model. 

          The findings were conducted as follows:

  1. The contexts of the problem of Internal Education Quality Assurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 were divided into 2 factors and 4 standards. The suitable factor gotpointing that it was at highest level and when it was divided into the standard founding that the first standard (the Quality of learners) getting, the second standard (the process of management of administrators) getting was at highest leveland the third standard (the process of learning and teaching which focused the students) getting and the fourth standard (the system of Internal Education Quality Assurance of effectiveness) getting was at high level. The possible factor got at highest level if we considered it into aspects founding that the fourth standard (the system of Internal Education Quality Assurance of effectiveness) got was at highest level and the second standard (the process of management of administrators) gettingwas at high leveland the third standard (the process of learning and teaching which focused the students) getting at high level.

          2.Developing the process of Internal Education Quality Assurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 was divided into 4 standards which the first standard, the students had healthiness, analyzing thought, discussion and exchanging the knowledge andknowing how to use information and communication technology. The second standard, controlling the administrational measurement and educational management, planning and developing the teachers and the staffs to be the professional, the third standard, there was the process of learning and teaching and gave the opportunity to all students to participate and the fourth standard had setting the standard of school and planning the developing the educational management to standard quality.   

  1. Presenting the process of Internal Education Quality Assurance under Samut Prakan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1, the administrators should manage the school happily and work for success, making plan for developing the educational quality, controlling the plan and activity and making the plan to succeed into objective.

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How to Cite
(Noosura), P. K. S. (2019). Development of Educational Quality Assurance Process in School Underthe Office of Primary Educational Service Area. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(3), 377–394. Retrieved from
Research Article


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