The Instructional Activity Development titled “Culture and Language,” Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Learning Substance, Matayomsuksa 5, by using Instructional Activity of CIPPA Model using the Multimedia

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Samniang Antaya


The objectives of this research were:  1) to develop CIPPA Model by using the Multimedia titled “Culture and Language,” 2) to study the usage findings of CIPPA Model by using the multimedia titled “Culture and Language,” and 3) to evaluate the effectiveness of CIPPA Model by using the multimedia titled “Culture and Language.” The samples were 33 Matayomsuksa 5/2 Students, Samsung-pittayakom School, under Khon Kaen Provincial Administrative Organization, Department of Local Administration, Ministry of the Interior, studying during the second semester of 2017 academic year. They were selected by Cluster Random Sampling. The research instruments were: 1) the Multimedia titled “Culture and Language,” in Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Language Learning Substance, Matayomsuksa 5, constructed by the researcher, 2) the Learning Achievement Test titled “Culture and Language,” in Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Language Learning Substance, Matayomsuska 5, 40 Items of 4 multiple choices, 3) The Analytical Scale, 4) The 20 Items Questionnaire of Matayomsuksa 5 Students’ Satisfaction on learning by Multimedia, and 5) 22 Knowledge Management Plans titled “Culture and Language,” in Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Language Learning Substance, Matayomsuksa 5. 

The research findings found that:    

  1. The CIPPA Model using Multimedia for developing the instructional activity titled “Culture and Language,” in Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Language Learning Substance, Matyosmsuksa 5, consisted 4 components including: 1) the Principle, 2) the Objective, 3) the Process/Step, and 4) the Evaluation/outcome.

  2. The students’ posttest learning achievement was significantly higher than the pretest at .05 level. The students’ analytical thinking skill was significantly higher than the pretest at .05 level.  The students’ satisfaction of learning activity was in “The Highest” level.

  3. The quality of CIPPA Model by using the Multimedia for developing the instructional activity titled “Culture and Language,” in Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Language Learning Substance, Matayomsuksa 5, evaluated by the experts, the Propriety was in “High” level. 

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How to Cite
Antaya, S. . . (2019). The Instructional Activity Development titled “Culture and Language,” Foundation of Thai Language Subject (Th32102), Thai Learning Substance, Matayomsuksa 5, by using Instructional Activity of CIPPA Model using the Multimedia. Journal of Graduate MCU KhonKaen Campus, 6(3), 180–193. Retrieved from
Research Article


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