About the Journal

About the Journal

Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of Fine Arts) is an academic journal initiated by the Faculty of Painting, Sculpture, and Graphic Arts, Silpakorn University. The journal has been publishing articles since 2013. It remains committed to creating a space for accumulated knowledge and introducing works of fine arts and issues related to art, such as design, history, art theory, culture, and humanities. Therefore, the journal welcomes academic articles, research articles, creative articles, critical articles, review articles, and academic translations from experts, academics, professors, students, artists, curators, critics, and experienced personnel in the field of art. The journal aims to encourage an atmosphere of exchange, learning, and new perspectives to expand the boundaries of visual art knowledge. Furthermore, the journal also serves as a source of information for teaching and learning for passionate art enthusiasts in the contemporary art scene in Thailand.


Welcome aboard!


We are pleased to welcome the newest members of the editorial board of Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of Fine Arts)

-Associate Professor Dayang Magdalena Nirvana T. Yraola, Ph.D., College of Fine Arts, University of the Philippines, Philippines

-Donny Trihanondo, Visual Arts Program, Telkom University, Indonesia

-Ranti Rachmawanti, M.Hum. Ph.D., Visual Arts Program, Telkom University, Indonesia

-Morinta Rosandini, S.Ds., M.Ds., School of Creative Industry, Telkom University, Indonesia

Read more about Welcome aboard!

Current Issue

Vol. 12 No. 2 (2024): July - December
View All Issues