Development of Arts and Culture Management Personnel: A Case Study of BACC's Art Manager Training 2023


  • Aniwat Tongseeda Assistant Professor, Art Education Program, Faculty of Education, Bansomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University
  • Vorachat Vadabukkana Art Educator, Bangkok Art and Culture Centre



Develop Art and Culture Managers , Art and Culture Managers , Bangkok Art and Culture Centre , Bloom Taxonomy , Cognitive Process


This article aims to present the results of an analysis on the development of arts and culture management skills in the BACC Training of Art Managers 2023, as well as the process of developing skills in arts and culture management for organizations interested in developing sustainable human resources in this field. The study analyzes the development process in conjunction with Bloom's Taxonomy by synthesizing content and activity formats, and compares this with the development of intellectual processes. The analysis leads to a model for the development of arts and culture management professionals, consisting of three key components: 1) Input Factors: To develop effective arts and culture managers, quality input factors are essential. These include high-quality
participants, experienced lecturers, and appropriate content and activities, with a clear learning progression from basic to advanced levels. 2) Process: Learning should be structured according to the stages of intellectual development. This starts with creating knowledge and understanding at the remembering and understanding stages, progressing to applying and analyzing knowledge in the application and analysis stages, which form the foundation for evaluation and creative thinking. 3) Learning Outcomes: These are critical goals that event organizers must set to create activity formats that promote desired learning outcomes. These can be divided into two categories: the products obtained from activities and the outcomes achieved by each participant, using a backward design approach. The study also found that the training program for arts and culture management personnel lacks sufficient emphasis on project measurement and evaluation, an essential factor for cultivating highly effective arts and culture managers. The author proposes adding evaluation activities for all participants to study methods for measuring and evaluating projects, drawing on case studies from various projects.


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How to Cite

Tongseeda, A., & Vadabukkana, V. . (2024). Development of Arts and Culture Management Personnel: A Case Study of BACC’s Art Manager Training 2023. Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of fine arts), 12(2), 113–144.



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