Evolutionary Features, Content Characteristics, and Inheritance Strategies: A Study on Nanfeng Nuo Dance


  • Yuxuan Chen Doctorate candidate, Ph.D. (Visual Arts, Art of Design and Cultural Management), Faculty of Fine and Applied Art, Burapha University
  • Jantana Khochprasert Assistant Professor, Ph.D., Faculty of Music and Performing Arts, Burapha University
  • Chusak Suvimolstien Lecturer, Ph.D., Art and Cultural Administration, Faculty of Fine and Applied Art, Burapha University




Nanfeng Nuo Dance , Folk Dance , Intangible Cultural Heritage Transmission


Nanfeng Nuo Dance is a traditional folk dance originating from ancient Chinese sacrificial rituals, specifically from Nanfeng county in Jiangxi province, China. This study aims to examine the evolutionary features, content characteristics, and inheritance situation of Nanfeng Nuo Dance. Through literature review, field research, and interdisciplinary analysis, this research explores the evolutionary features and content characteristics of Nanfeng Nuo Dance, while proposing strategies for its inheritance and development. The findings indicate that the evolutionary trajectory of Nanfeng Nuo Dance has transformed from a witchcraft ceremony into a form of cultural heritage, with each phase displaying distinct evolutionary features. In terms of content characteristics, the dance is primarily characterized by the expression of primitive desires, diverse deity worship, and unique local belief legends. However, regarding its inheritance, Nanfeng Nuo Dance faces challenges such as the deterioration of its cultural ecosystem, a shortage of successors, insufficient funding, and inadequate institutional support. The study suggests that to ensure the sustainable transmission of Nanfeng Nuo Dance, it is crucial to foster a supportive cultural ecosystem, cultivate inheritors, increase investment, and improve policies. In practical terms, the research proposes the establishment of a Nuo Dance Learning Center focused on education, performance, exhibition, and academic exchange. These measures aim to create new avenues for the protection and transmission of Nanfeng Nuo Dance, ensuring that its unique charm continues to thrive in contemporary society.


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How to Cite

Chen, Y., Khochprasert, J. ., & Suvimolstien, C. . (2024). Evolutionary Features, Content Characteristics, and Inheritance Strategies: A Study on Nanfeng Nuo Dance. Silpa Bhirasri (Journal of Fine Arts), 12(2), 145–174. https://doi.org/10.69598/sbjfa272661



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