Massive Open Online Course Enrollment Patterns: Association Rules Analysis for the Large Dataset

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Paniti Thongmon
Surasak Kao-Iean


The research aimed to study the enrollment patterns on the Thai MOOC system among Thai users, and to compare the association rules of enrollment patterns on the Thai MOOC system, between users who were successful in at least 1 course and users who were not successful in any course. The data used for analysis was secondary data from the Thai MOOC with 4,691,359 rows, representing 1,339,191 users. The FPMAX algorithm was used to find frequent item sets, and association rules were analyzed by selecting rules with confidence and lift values higher than the 90th percentile. The research findings were as follows: 1) There were 217 rules in total for all users. When considering the specified criteria of confidence and lift values, 27 rules were found. Most of these rules were related to courses in the computer and technology domain. 2) In comparing the association rules of enrollment patterns between users who completed at least one course and those who did not, there were 383 and 327 rules, respectively. When considering the specified criteria of confidence and lift values, there were 39 and 33 rules, respectively. Most users who had succeeded in at least 1 course in enrollment had the behavior of across-associated course groups. On the other hand, the users who had not succeeded in any course tended to enroll in former course groups in a number not so much different from the number of the across-associated course groups.

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