An Analysis of Unidimensionality and Local Independence with some Items Lacking of Local Independence

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Kamontip Srihaset
Suwimon Tirakanant


    The purposes of this study were to investigate index change to detect local independence of items when number of item interaction in tests were increased. In this research, conditions included the difference of type of test, group of sample size, levels of test length, and and rate of mix of some items lacking  local independence. The research findings were (1) The results of the analysis of the index change to detect local independence of items, it was found that goodness of fit index consist of CMIN/DF, RMR,  GFI, AGFI, IFI and RMSEA yield similar goodness of fit index that all of 20 tests were mixed testlet were unidimensionality, In addition, when number of item interaction in tests were increased, goodness of fit index decresed.

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