Comparison of Invariance Analysis Methods of Measurement Model Between Maximum Likelihood Estimation and Bayesian Analysis

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Chaninan Pruekpramool
Suchada Bowarnkitiwong


The study of invariance analysis of measurement model is to verify whether two or more samples with different backgrounds such as gender, age, experience, region, etc. have similar opinions or not, regarding the measurement of latent variables in the model. Researches on invariance analysis of measurement model have been very popular during the past 2-3 decades, especially the development of analytical methods was rapid on both the software and the algorithm. This article aimed to present comparatively between two invariance analysis methods of measurement model, namely, the Maximum-likelihood Estimation, which is widely used in research and is based on the concept of frequentist statistics, and the Bayesian analysis, by presenting the analyzing steps and the syntax used in the LISREL 8.72 and R 3.6.1 programs. In addition, the examples of analysis and the results are shown in this article for those who are interested in this kind of research to understand and be able to apply both methods of analysis in their own research.

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