A Model to Develop Dedicated Work Behaviors of Teachers in Schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration

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Piputh Sornpaiboon
Kosol Meekun
Nara Somprasong
Tharin Rasanon


This research was divided into two phases. Phase 1 aimed to examine the causal factors model of teachers’ dedicated work behavior under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The sample consisted of 400 school teachers under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, obtained through stratified random sampling. The instruments of this research were 11 sets of summated rating scale with item total correlations (r) from .265 to .828 and coefficient alpha reliabilities from .687 to .942. The statistics for hypothesis testing were multiple regression and path analysis. The research results revealed that each of the 3 causal factors groups could predict more than 30 percent of the teachers’ dedicated work behaviors, and the model of teachers’ dedicated work behaviors were confirmed with empirical data. Phase 2 was an experimental research aiming to study the effectiveness of the Causal Factors of the Teachers’ Dedicated Work Development Program. The sample comprised 87 voluntary school teachers under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration. The research instrument was the Causal Factors of the Teachers’ Dedicated Work Development Program. The statistics for hypothesis testing were t-test and ANOVA with repeated measures. The research results indicated that the teachers who had been trained in the Causal Factors of Teachers’ Dedicated Work Development Program showed higher scores of trained characteristics and dedicated work behavior tendency than the teachers who had not been trained, and it was found that 2 weeks after training those results were still retained.

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