Analysis of Confirmatory Factors of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) Competencies of the 21st Century for Grade 9 Students

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Varatta Upachitkul
Sompong Punturat


The purposes of this study were: (1) to investigate factors and indicators of information technology and communication competency of grade 9 students from a conceptual framework; and (2) to verify the correlation between the components and indicators of the conceptual framework and the empirical data. The sample consisted of 300 grade 9 students in educational opportunity-extension schools under Khon Kaen Primary Education Service Area Office 5, in the second semester of the academic year 2018, obtained through multi-stage random sampling. The instrument was a 4-choice test on information technology and communication competency, having 24 items. The data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and confirmatory factor analysis. The correlation of the model of the information technology and communication competency and empirical data were calculated with a computer statistic package.             

The results of the study revealed that: (1) the information technology and communication competency consisted of 3 components and 8 indicators as follows: component 1, knowledge, had 2 indicators; component 2, skills, had 4 indicators; and component 3, attitude, had 2 indicators. (2) the analysis of the confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the factors and indicators of the information technology and communication competency model was consistent with the empirical data with gif.latex?\chi&space;^{2} = 561.771, p-value = 0.071, df = 28, X2/df = 1.624, CFI = 0.985, and TLI = 0.967 which exceeded 0.950 and approached 1. It could indicate that the two data were in line. The data were consistent with the conceptual framework as Standardized Root Mean Square Residual (SRMR) was found at 0.027 and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA) was found at 0.046 which was below 0.050 and approached 0. This indicated a low level of error in the parameter estimation. Moreover, the beta levels ( gif.latex?\beta) of the indicators were found between 0.754 and 1.000 at the statistical significance level of .01 in every component. The indicators with the highest beta level were judgment and responsibility, ICT knowledge, accessibility and data collection, and awareness.   

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