The Development of a Monitoring and Assessment System on Desirable Characteristics of Primary Education Students in Schools under Local Administration Organizations

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Panchaporn Tantanis
Vandee Sangprateeptong


The purposes of this research were: (1) to develop a monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics of primary education students in schools under local administration organizations; and 2) to assess the quality of the developed system.The research process comprised two phases. Phase 1 was the development of a monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics of primary education students in schools under local administration organizations. The sample consisted of: 13 experts in system development, measurement and evaluation, and educational administration; 360 teachers and students from grade 1, 3 and 5 in schools under local administration organizations. The research instruments were the draft of monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics, a recording form for focus group discussion, consistency assessment form for the instruments, a quality assessment form for the draft of the system, a questionnaire inquiring opinions on the program, 3 student desirable characteristics observation forms for teachers, and a self-assessment form for grade 5 students. The data were collected from the focus group discussion. The four forms were tried out with the teachers and students in grade 1, 3 and 5 of schools under local administration organizations in order to examine the discrimination, structure validity and reliability of the instruments as well as how the program worked. Analysis of data employed content analysis, the mean and standard deviation. Phase 2 was an assessment of the monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics of primary education students in schools under local administration organizations. The sample consisted of 300 educational institution administrators, teachers and students. The research instruments were: the monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics, the system handbook, and a quality assessment form for the system. Analysis of data employed the mean, standard deviation, and content analysis.

            The findings were as follows: 1) the system of  monitoring and assessment on  desirable characteristics that had been developed consisted of 5 components: (1) the inputs which comprised people, money, materials and information; (2) the process which consisted of  defining the mission, taking stock, planning for the future of monitoring and assessment; (3) the outputs which  were reports on desirable characteristics of each students and each behavior, and accreditation of desirable characteristics of primary education students; (4) the feedback which was a report on  monitoring and assessment which indicated what to be improved and developed; and (5) the context which consisted of the 20-year National Strategy, the Twelfth National Economic and Social Development Plan, the National Education plan 2017-2036; and 2) the results of the quality assessment of the monitoring and assessment system on desirable characteristics of primary education students revealed that the system had its quality as required by the assessment as it had propriety, feasibility, and accuracy at a high level and utility at the highest level.

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