A Study of Effects of Using the Diary Method to Assess Attitude towards the Lesson

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Supparerk Ruckchart


This research aimed to study the use of diary to assess learners’ attitude towards the lesson, analyze reliability of inter-rater and to synthesize recommendations for using diary for learners’ attitude assessment.  Data were collected from 168 diaries in an educational project. Each diary was assessed by 3 out of 12 raters. The raters and the diaries were randomly matched. Each rater assessed the text and recorded the frequency of learner’s messages about the attitude towards the lesson that was related to assessment criteria. Then a content analysis was carried out and an analysis of reliability of inter-rater followed, using interclass correlation coefficient (ICC) and Krippendorff’s alpha coefficient: (KAlpha) to confirm the reliability of inter-rater.

          The results revealed that the data from the diaries had a required quality and the frequencies recorded were different. The majority of the raters obtained different frequencies of the messages consistent with the assessment criteria. This resulted in the reliability being in the low to moderate levels, with the ICC between -.004 - .515, which was consistent with the KAIpha which was between -.003 and - .495. On the whole, in using the diary method, the rater must be aware of bias from interpretation and different learning styles among learners.

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