Development of Mathematics Learning Activities on Decimal and Fraction for Grade 7 students Using CIPPA Learning Method to Promote Analytical Thinking and the Traditional Learning Activities

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Pawarisa Bunchan
Maliwan Tunapan
Piyapatr Busababodhin


The purposes of this research were to: 1) develop mathematics learning activities using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students to meet a required efficiency of 75/75; 2) study the effectiveness index of organizing learning activities using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students; 3) compare mathematics learning achievements and mathematics analytical thinking ability on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students between CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking and the traditional learning activities; 4) study the students’ attitude on CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students. The sample consisted of 60 grade 7 students from 2 classes in Roi Et Wittayalai School, Mueang District, Roi Et Province, in the second semester of the academic year 2017, obtained through cluster random sampling. The sample was divided into 2 groups: the experimental and the control groups. Each group made a mixed ability class, having high-achieving, moderate-achieving, and lower-achieving students. The experimental group used the learning activity organizing plan using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking, and the control group used the traditional learning activity organizing plan. The research tools consisted of 18 learning activity organizing plans using CIPPA learning method and 18 learning activity organizing plans using the traditional method on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students; a 4-choice learning achievement test with 30 items; a 6-item subjective test for measuring analytical thinking ability; and a 15-item attitude test inquiring the students’ satisfaction with CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking. The statistics employed in data analysis were percentage, the mean, and standard deviation; Hotelling - T2 was employed in hypothesis testing.

The results of the study were as follows: 

1. The learning activity organizing plan using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students that had been constructed by the researcher had the efficiency of 79.42 / 77.78.

2. The learning activity organizing plan using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students had the effectiveness index of 0.6875 or 68.52 percent.

3. The grade 7 students who studied with the learning activity organizing plan using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking had their learning achievement and mathematics analytical thinking ability on decimal and fraction higher than those who studied with the traditional learning activities, with statistical significance at the .01 level.

4. The grade 7 students who studied with the learning activity organizing plan using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking were satisfied with the organizing of learning activities, on the whole, at a highest level.  In conclusion, organizing of learning activities using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking on decimal and fraction for grade 7 students yielded an appropriate efficiency which increased the students’ learning achievement and analytical thinking ability; and the students were satisfied with organizing of learning activities using CIPPA learning method to promote analytical thinking at a highest level. Therefore, teachers should be supported to implement this method in organizing for learning and teaching in the future. 

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