The Development of Characteristic Indicators of Professional Teacher towards ASEAN Community in The Secondary Educational Service Area.

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อุบล ชูรัตน์
อรนุช ศรีสะอาด
นุชวนา เหลืองอังกูร


This research was aimed the development of characteristic indicators of professional
teacher towards ASEAN community in the secondary educational service area. The key
informants consisted of 14 Delphi experts who competent in teacher professional standard
principals, administrators towards ASEAN community, the learning management, knowledge,
development and evaluation which selected by the purposive sampling technique. The
collected data by applying tree attempts of Delphi Technique. The Delphi experts gave the
answers to the questionnaire for 3 rounds. For first round they answered an ended questions
as well as answer 5-point rating scale questionnaire for second and third rounds. Then the
data were analyzed by median and inter quartile ranges.
The finding showed that the characteristic indicators of professional teacher towards
ASEAN community in the secondary educational service area. Results showed that 5 aspects
of core factors with totally 93 indicators. They were classified into 24 characteristics of the
instructional development, 10 indicators of the use of technology for communication, 11
indicators of the use of the English language and Asian languages for communication, 22
indicators of personality development, 26 indicators of the self–development.
In conclusion, the developed characteristic indicators of professional teacher towards
ASEAN community in the secondary educational service area were fruitful for the teachers
and related educational organizations in every system. Moreover, these indicators can be
used as guidelines for planning, improving and evaluating the information of professional
teacher in order to develop high quality and more efficiency teaching .

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Research Article