Stress And Structure Model Of Male Homosexual Students

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ประวิชญา ณัฎฐากรกุล
ประสาท อิศรปรีดา


This study purposed to 1) investigate male homosexual students’ stress and
developing stress structure model, and 2) examine construct validity of the male homosexual
students’ stress model. A snowball technique was used to recruit 416 male homosexual
students studying in the academic year 2010 at institutions of higher education in the
northeastern region of Thailand. The instrument used was a questionnaire eliciting data concerning stress with discrimination (t) ranging between 5.15 to 8.51 (p<.01) and a reliability
of .91. The collected data were analyzed through descriptive statistics and the confirmatory
factors were analyzed. Results revealed that male homosexual students showed stress, as a
whole, in a moderate level. The confirmatory factor analyses of stress model revealed 3
factors, namely depressive factor consisted of 5 aspects including feeling of inferiority, lonely,
lament, committing suicide, and despair. The anxiety factor consisted of 5 aspects including
feeling fear, jittery, impatient, restless, and terrorized. The hostility factor consisted of 5
aspects including feeling moody, cross, agitated, hassle, and pernicious. The results of
secondary order confirmatory factor analyses revealed that depressive factor was the most
important by factor loading ranking. The validation of a goodness of fitted model yielded Chi
Square goodness of fit = 156.94, (p = .0510), df = 105, χ2/df = 1.49, GFI =.98, AGFI =.97, CFI =
.99, RMR = .03 and RMSEA = .03 and significances between all variables and factors of model
supported on the theoretical based.

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Research Article