A construction of diagnostic test in Mathematics on Addition and Subtraction for Prathomsuksa 4 students.

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The purpose of this study were 1) to create and determine the quality of the
test by diagnostic test in mathematics on Addition and subtraction for Prathomsuksa 4
students. 2) to find the defects and causes of the defects in the teaching of Mathematics
on addition and subtraction of Prathomsuksa 4 students under the office of primary
education in Roi-et service area zone 2 the sample of this research are 397 from
Prathomsuksa 4 students under the office of primary education in Roi-et service area
zone 2 Studying in the first semester of academic year 2013. Determining sample size
by using the formula of the Taro Yamane technique by multi stage random sampling.
Find out qualities of the method by using IOC , the difficulty , The discrimination and
reliability using the formula Lovette . The statistical analysis of the data : average and
The results were as follows :
1. The construction of diagnostic test in Mathematics on Addition and
Subtraction for Prathomsuksa 4 students test multiple-choice answer 4 options were
30 items have 3 version is the addition of 1 with several main The tests 11 An with
several main The content validity index test by congruence with objective value 1.00
variance from 0.67 - 0.80 and discrimination ranged from 0.58 - 0.84 and reliability of
0.78 Issue 2 subtraction number with several major have tests 11 joints with several
major The content validity index test by congruence with objective value 1.00 variance
ranged from 0.65 - 0.75 and discrimination ranged from 0.44 - 0.77 and reliability of
0.74 and the 3 the proposition addition and subtraction. 8 tests Questions. The
content validity index test by congruence with objective value 1.00 variance ranged
from .65 - 0.74 and discrimination ranged from 0.42 - 0.71 and reliability of 0.72
2. Defects of students sort descending 3 sequence showed that the addition
of 1 with several major students have flaws As follows: forget plus its percentage of
16.58 The main positive from the high to primarily with less percentage of 15.87 and
not pull the numbers in the main positive answer not down, were 14.42 issue 2
subtraction number with several major Students have the defects as follows: don't
pull the main not negative answer were 21.66 use numbers with many a set
percentage of 18.54 And the spread and not deducted, were 17.91 issue 3 problem
solving addition and subtraction students have bugs, were as follows: forget the
spread 31.74 forget plus its percentage of 29.73 and bring the problem answer were

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