Relationships between the self-concept self-confidence and social adjustment with life skills undergraduate students Mahasarakham university

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ชัยภัทร ทองอยู่
บุญชม ศรีสะอาด
อมร มะลาศรี


The purpose of this research for studying relationship between self-concept
self-confidence and social adjustment with life skills and create a predictive equation
life skills of undergraduate. The samples in this study were undergraduate first-year
student and sophomore of Mahasarakham university academic year 2013 of 410 multistage random sampling. The instruments used in research such as 5 rating scale
assessment 4 edition consisted of 85 items include 1) Measure self-concept 2) Measure
self-confidence 3) Measure social adjustment 4) Measure life skills. The statistics used
in data analysis such as percentage mean standard deviation and multiple regression
analysis. The results of the research were as follows :
1. Self-concept self-confidence and social adjustment indicated positively
relationships with life skills significant at the .01
2. The variables which could prediction to life skills of undergraduate
student Mahasarakham university is social adjustment of academy relationship, selfconfidence of assertiveness, social adjustment of people relationship, self-confidence
of the self-esteem, self-concept of emotional, self-confidence of the oneself and
social adjustment of family relationships describing the variability of life skills by 62.90
percent for the raw scores and standard scores thus . A predictive equation in the raw-score form :
Y' = 1.091 + .194X9 + .083X4 + .108X8 + .088X6 + .075X3 + .085X5
A predictive equation in the standard-score form :
ZY' = .311Z9 + .199Z4 + .181Z8 + .121Z6 + .122Z3 + .151Z5 + .111Z7

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Research Article