Qualitative Study: 1 Stage of Sexual Literacy Indicators Development

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จิตราภรณ์ บุญถนอม
ดนุลดา จามจุรี
วัยวุฑฒ์ อยู่ในศีล
พรรณทิพย์ ศิริวรรณบุศย์
นิกร ดุสิตสิน


This research was qualitative study that was first stage of sexual
literacy indicator models development for. Objective was the sexual literacy
indicators model for development of sexual education appropriate. First, we
preliminarily the sexual literacy indicators according to our literature review
and develop question for Indept-interview. Afterward, we conducted indeptinterview with five scholars in related disciplines. The finalize the sexual
literacy model, we again checked for its content validity by conducting a focus
group discussion. In which eight scholars in the field of Human Sexuality and
twenty two students in high schools had participated. The results revealed
that the sexual literacy model contained 5 component; Sexual knowledge,
Attitude toward human sexual literacy, Access to information, Personal skills
and Application of sexual information.

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Research Article