Factor Analysis of Teaching Efficiency Elements of Health Teachers, Secondary School Level, The Regional Educational Office, Kalasin Province

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ประเวช นาชัยเวียง
อรนุช ศรีสะอาด
ไพบูลย์ บุญไชย


This research aimed at the analysis of Exploration Factor Analysis (EFA) teaching efficiency
elements and confirmation aspect of the health teachers at secondary school which affiliated to
the Regional Education Office in Kalasin province. The group samplings for the study were the 683
health teachers in Secondary School which affiliated to the Regional Education Office, Kalasin
province. The results of the study were as follow :
1. The elements of the instructional efficiency of health teachers through surveying
consisted of 13 aspects, 80 variables, setting in sequence from more to less, there were Teaching
preparation, Measurement and Evaluation, Communication’s language, Educational materials
usability, Educational classroom environment, Academic ability, Supervising provision of the
administrators, Personality, Empowered students, Educational psychology, Attitude toward
teaching, Self-development aspects. All mentioned aspects could tell 80.32 % of the instructional
efficiency of the health teachers.
2. The second confirmation elements consist of variable elements that effected to the
health teachers’ instructional efficiency based on 13 aspects and 80 variables, setting in sequence
from more to less, there were Teaching preparation, Measurement and Evaluation,
Communication’s language, Educational materials usability, Educational classroom environment,
Academic ability, Supervising provision of the administrators, Personality, Empowered students,
Educational psychology, Attitude toward teaching, Self-development aspects of health teachers
were at: 0.877 0.868 0.859 0.852 0.848 0.820 0.798 0.773 0.744 0.730 0.634 0.628 and
0.403 respectively.
In each variable element on the health teachers instructional efficiency was varied
together with the elements of the health teachers’ instructional efficiency variables means
teaching preparation was the most important element, whereas the health teacher selfdevelopment was the least important. The Chi-Square (χ2) index level to be harmonious with the
model and the practical data was 834.688, p = 0.99 at degree free = 65, GFI = 0.752, AGFI = 0.702,
SRMR = 0.071, RMSEA = 0.218
The conclusions were many variables related to health teachers’ instructional efficiency,
the responsibility persons should continue improvement and development to be successful
teaching efficiency of the health teachers in the future.

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