A model for linear structural equation relationship of factors affecting becoming learning organizations of schools under chantraburi primary educational service area offices

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สุธรรม รัตนชัย
สุนทร โคตรบรรเทา
ปรานีพัน จารุวัฒนพันธ์


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the level of becoming the
learning organizations of schools of schools under Chanthaburi Primary Educational
Service Area Offices in 3 aspects, namely personnel, group and organization, 2) to
study the factors affecting becoming the learning organizations of schools under
Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Offices in 4 main factors, namely
administration, organization, knowledge management and personnel, and 3) to
verify the goodness of fit of the model for linear structural equation relationship of
the factors affecting becoming learning organizations of schools, constructed by
the researcher and the empirical data. The samples were 310 school personnel
under Chanthaburi Primary Educational Service Area Offices, comprising 38 school
directors and 272 teachers, derived through the multi-stage random sampling
technique. The instrument used was the 5-rating scale questionnaire, constructed
by the researcher with the reliability of .98.
The research findings were summarized as follows :
1. The level of becoming the learning organizations of schools as a
whole and in each aspect was at the high level.
2. The level of administration factors affecting becoming the learning
organizations of schools as a whole and in each aspect was at the high level.
3. The model for linear structural equation relationship of the factors
affecting becoming the learning organizations of schools, constructed by the
researcher, had the goodness of fit to the empirical data as of the criteria : Chisquare=109.63, df=91, p=.92, RMSEA= .03, GFI=.96, AGFI=.93, and CFI=1.00. It
was also found that the factors affecting the learning organizations in schools
included increasing the administration factors with the total value of .84, the
personnel factors with the total value of .77 and the knowledge management
with total value of .20 with statistical significance at .01 level, and the
organizational factors with the total value of .02 ; all of these factors as a whole
had affected on learning organization in schools with the value of .92. The two
factors directly affected the learning organization in schools were the personnel
factors with the value of .77, and the administration factors with the value of .14
; whereas, only factor indirectly affected was the administration factors with the
value of .70. The total factors were the administration factors with the value of .84,
the personnel factors with the value of .77, the knowledge management factors
with the value of .20, and the organizational factors with the value of .02.

Article Details

Research Article