The needs assessment for science teachers development in measurement and evaluation of critical thinking competency In the secondary school Kalasin Province.

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นันทิยา ไชยมัชฌิม
อรนุช ศรีสะอาด
ทัศน์ศิรินทร์ สว่างบุญ


The purposes of the research were: (1) to develop the tools for The
needs assessment for science teachers development in measurement and
evaluation of critical thinking competency In the secondary school Kalasin
Province, (2) to study teachers’efficacy in critical thinking measurement and
evaluation, (3) to assess the needs of the teachers in critical thinking assessment
and (4) to compare the needs assessment of critical thinking in measurement and
evaluation among the teachers who teach in different classes and different
teaching years experiences.The sample of the study were 220 the secondary
school science teachers in Kalasin province by Stratified Random Sampling. The
research instrument were the cognitive test with multiple choices, Rating scale
questionnaire about teachers’ personal skills performances by using the Dualresponse format and a Rating scale questionnaire about teachers’ personal
characteristic by using the Single-response format. The data obtained were
analyzed by using the arithmetic mean ( ) and standard deviation (SD). The
needs assessments were assessed by the index Modified Priority Needs Index
(PNImodified) compared with the average by two-way analysis of variance
(Two-way ANOVA)
The research findings were as follows:
1. The research tools were divided into the cognitive test and the
Rating scale questionnaire which consist of 3 factors; the Cognitive performances,
the skills performances and the personal characteristics performances. The
Cognitive test performances has the Item objective congruence index (IOC) from
0.80 to 1.00, the discriminative power from 0.21 to 0.96 the reliability is 0.931. The
skills performances show that the discriminative power is 0.55 to 0.73 and the
reliability is 0.959. And the personal characteristics performance questionnaire
shows that the discriminative power is 0.34- 0.61, the reliability is 0.909.
2. The findings appeared that a majority of the science teachers’
measurement and evaluation behaviors are in the highest level, the personal
characteristic performances in assessment and evaluation are in the high level and
the cognitive of critical thinking measurement are in the fair level as ordered.
3. The teachers are needed to be developed the cognitive of
measurement and evaluation of critical thinking more urgent than the practical
skills and personal characteristic performances.
4. Levels of teaching and teaching experiences have no interaction
with each other.

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Research Article