Constructing Diagnostic Thai Language Usage Test for Prathomsuksa 5 Students Under the Office of Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3
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Therefore, this research aimed to construct diagnostic Thai usage test so
that to determine the quality of the test on the item discrimination power, item
difficulty power, test content validity, and test reliability, to find the weakness
point in Thai usage learning on part of the sentence for Prathomsuksa 3 students
under Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3. The samples used were 407
Prathomsuksa 5 students under Roi-Et Primary Educational Service Area 3, chosen
from 236 schools through multi-stage random sampling. Instruments used were 2
tests, including test 1 : a diagnostic explore test with completion, divided into 4
parts, totally 150 items, tested by 90 students, and test 2 : a diagnostic learning
with multiple choice test designed with 4 alternatives, obtained from diagnostic
explore test. The test was tested three times. The first test, tested by 109
samplings in order to determine the item difficulty power and item discrimination
power, then, proved and classified an ineligible test. The second test, the test
was test by 109 people from samples in order to determine the difficulty and
item discrimination powers, classified for 80 items initial test. And the third test,
108 people samples were tested so that to determine the difficulty and item
discrimination powers of the whole test. The collected data were analyzed by
percentage, mean and standard deviation.
The results of the research were as follow :
1. The First test, from the learning diagnostic test with 4 parts and
150 items , it was found that the item difficulty powers ranged from .07 - .91 and
the item discrimination powers ranged from -.39 - .93, 27 ineligible items and 123
items eligible test rested for the second test.
2. The second test, according to the learning diagnostic test with 4
parts, 123 items, 80 eligible items were chosen, the item difficulty powers ranged
from .40 - .60, the item discrimination powers ranged from .31 - .72 , and then the
tests would be tested in the third test.
3. And the third test, according to the learning diagnostic test with 4
parts, 123 items, it revealed that the item difficulty powers ranged from .37 - .78,
the item discrimination powers ranged from .36 - .94, the content test validity was
1, and the test reliability was .8685.
4. The analysis results of determining students’ defects in falling to do
the learning diagnostic test, because of each parts of the test measured in the
different contents and different basic skills, therefore found the defects in different
forms, namely, word types and function ; the defects were that students could
not capture the relationship between word meanings and sentences, royal words ;
students did not know the meaning of royal words, words borrowed ; missing use
comparative meaning, and parts of the sentences ; students not understood the
language rules.
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