Dear Authors,

The Journal of Educational Measurement Mahasarakham University: JEM-MSU welcomes submissions of articles for consideration to be published in Volume 31 Issue 2 (Jul – Dec 2025).

Guides for submission of articles:

1. Please make sure that the content of your article is consistent with the scope of the journal.
2. Please make sure that the format of your article is consistent with the format specified by the journal. You may refer to “Guides for authors” in the Menu for details

(The format of references in the journals published from 2022 onwards will be entirely in English)

3. Your article must not have been published or under consideration by any other journal.
4. It will take 1 to 2 months to consider your article. The length of time spent is up to the right fit for the format required by the journal, content accuracy, the length of reviewing time spent by each expert and the time for revision by each author.
5. The journal’s web site is most efficient when it is used on the computer. Please fill out the form in its entirety in both Thai and English.
Sincerely Yours,
