The reconfirmation of semantic transparency between two-Kanji compound words and the composing Kanji from the viewpoint of Thai Japanese speakers


  • Natthira Tuptim Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Reconfirmation, Semantic transparency, Two-Kanji compound words, Composing Kanji, Viewpoint of Thai Japanese Speakers


This research aimed to 1) investigate the opinions of Thai Japanese speakers regarding the semantic transparency between two-Kanji compound words and the composing Kanji that constitute 415 words and 2) study the relationship between the opinions of Native and Thai Japanese speakers regarding the semantic transparency of the two-Kanji compound words and the composing Kanji of 415 words. The sample group consisted of 12 Thai Japanese speakers who achieved N2 or N1 proficiency level of the Japanese language proficiency test. The Pearson Product Moment Coefficient was applied as a simple correlation coefficient to analyze
the relationship between two sets of data. The results of the study found both consistency and inconsistency from opinions of Thai Japanese speakers regarding the semantic transparency. The findings indicated a consistent direction of correlation and a statistically significant moderate correlation (p-value < .01) between the opinions of Native and Thai Japanese speakers concerning the semantic transparency between two-Kanji compound words and the composing Kanji.


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