Possibilities and the Challenges of Attracting Foreigner Tourists (Thais) to Japan for Tourism in Tohoku Region, Japan


  • Sasiwara Chantrakantanond Graduate School of Regional Studies, Hirosaki University


Thai tourists visiting Japan, Inbound promotion, Tohoku Region, Pull Factor


This research analyzes attracting activities for inbound tourism towards Thai tourists based on pull factors, and collective appeals to the whole of Tohoku region, such as the Tohoku Tourism Promotion Organization. The author clarifies whether or not the activity is effective for the attractiveness and leads to the possibilities of inbound tourism development in the Tohoku brand. In-depth analysis shows positive pull factors on the results of inbound tourism that a significant influence on decision-making process for Thai tourists are (1) the good relationship between Japan and Thailand, (2) the provision of information for Thais, (3) the film-drama induced tourism, (4) Japan Cultural boom (the culinary), and (5) the seasonality in the tourism – Japan’s four seasons and natural scenery. According to the analysis of the case study from the Kyushu Tourism Promotion Organization and Setouchi DMO, it is found out that Tohoku was found to be deficient in certain areas when compared to the former organizations. Those include (1) the formation of a clear target group, (2) branding, and (3) content tourism (promoting locations of film / TV Series production). The possibility of attracting Thai Tourists to the Tohoku region was clarified to use Akita Prefecture as a gateway to attract tourists and present experience-based tourism such as green tourism.


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