Errors of explaining the tourism vocabulary in Japanese through the Self-Explain method: A case study of universities in the lower northeastern region


  • กมลาสน์ กีรตินันท์วัฒนา คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยบูรพา


Principle of self-explain, tourism vocabulary, errors, Japanese tourists


This research aims to study the learning through self-explain principle in solving problems, answering questions and explaining vocabulary in Tourism field for Japanese tourists. It is used a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods. The researcher collected data from 26 students from 2 University in lower north-east region who took the pre-test, training process, post-test. We analyze the errors of students.

The results of the research can be summarized as following: The self-explain principle and the principle of translator and interpreter can help students to improve in explaining tourism vocabulary better because of the shown errors. Totally, the students have improved their errors. The Pre-test ,the training stage and the Post-test showed the same trend namely; the most common grammatical errors were found, including auxiliary mistakes, word arrangements, and conjugation of verbs. Only in the practice stage showed the grammatical errors as following, auxiliary mistakes, conjugation of verbs and word arrangements. The second mistake was vocabulary and knowledge with the lowest percentage of errors. Grammar mistakes resulted from basic grammar that students are still careless in using it. The Vocabulary mistakes are made by learning process from the wrong things and the students do without checking which leads to using the wrong words. Finally, knowledge error, most of the students describe it with a narrow perspective by being self-centered which makes the explanation misleading.



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