Sports image in Japanese contemporary literature: The case studies of Okuda Hideo's works; “In the Pool” and “Fight Club”


  • Piyanuch Wiriyaenawat Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


sports, In the Pool, Fight Club, literature, Japan


          This article aims to study the use of sports, swimming, and boxing, as the underlying theme in Okuda Hideo's two works, “In the Pool” and “Fight Club.” The results reveal that, although these two works were published more than ten years apart, still there are many similarities between them. In both works, Okuda portrays middle-aged Japanese men who are under stress from their work and in despair. Then, they have the chance to start exercising again by swimming and boxing. By playing these sports, the protagonists rediscover what they have lost and also the meaning of life. Swimming in “In the Pool” represents the release, and it helps the protagonist to examine his life in retrospect. On the other hand, boxing in “Fight Club” evokes fighting spirit in the protagonist and his friends who finally dare to fight against the thieves. Thanks to their bravery, a great change has come to the company that once treated them unfairly.


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