Social Capital and Developing the One Village One Product (OVOP) Project


  • Watunyu Jaiborisudhi สถาบันเอเชียตะวันออกศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยธรรมศาสตร์


ทุนทางสังคม, การพัฒนา, โครงการหนึ่งหมู่บ้านหนึ่งผลิตภัณฑ์


This article examines and analyzes developing social capital that exists in communities into the OVOP project. It is a qualitative research collecting data from in - depth interviews together with a documentary research, then making an analysis using the social capital concept. The finding reveals that a success of OVOP comes from developing social capital that exists in communities into the OVOP project under the following components of the social capital concept. First, trust is built on teamwork or forming groups such as co-operatives. It can be said that the OVOP project has an institutional mechanism to operate and resolve internal problems actively. Next, norms emerge from mutual helping among people in communities having strict rules, a clear division of work and an institutional mechanism to sustain their existing norms. Last, network is naturally created by people in communities connecting through internal and external groups.        





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