The develop Japanese speaking skills by using role play of secondary school students at Satreesiriket School.


  • Pornthep Joemkhunthod Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Sisaket Rajabhat University




This research aimed to develop Japanese speaking skills by using role play of secondary school students at Satreesiriket School. The objectives of this research were to study learning activity plan and assessment form for Japanese speaking skills by using role play and to guidelines and suggestions for Japanese speaking skills by using role play. The target group was consisted  of 28 Grade 10. The tools used in this research were learning activity plan and assessment form for Japanese speaking skills by using role play to assess based on specified criterion and satisfaction survey form towards speaking skills by using role play lessons. The research findings were as follows:

Regarding the efficiency assessment of the learning activity plan for Japanese speaking skills by using role play, the finding showed that the value of the standardized criteria efficiency (E1 / E2) was 78 / 83

                The scores of learning achievement in Japanese speaking skills by using role play of secondary school students at Satreesiriket School showed that students had more progress in learning Japanese speaking skills by using role play. Passed the criteria of 60 percent, 28 people

                In addition, the results of satisfaction survey towards speaking skills by using role play lessons of secondary school students at Satreesiriket School revealed that the lessons made students more courageous to speak with foreigners. They were happy to learn and had more improvement. Furthermore, learning Japanese speaking skills by using role play encouraged students to get more preference in Japanese language and could use it practically. The teacher was cheerful and be able to join with students. Also, they were more confident in communication.


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