Back-channels Expressions Usage of Thai Japanese-Language Learners with Intermediate Level Upward


  • Kittipong Weeraananmite Faculty of Liberal Arts, Thammasat University


Back-channel expressions, Japanese conversation, Language transfer, Transfer of training


This research purposes to study the natures of applying the back-channel expression while conversing with Japanese of Thai learners studying Japanese language at the intermediate level and above. The data was collected by using 1) questionnaire and; 2) simulation of conversation in the independent topic of daily living. The analysis of the results of Back-channels Expressions was then conducted.

The results indicated that 1) the Thai learners studying Japanese language rarely applied the back-channel expression; 2) the Thai learners studying Japanese language also applied the Thai language in the conversations; 3) the Thai learners studying Japanese language applied the group of (um-pattern)  words which are frequently found in the textbooks and similar to the Thai back-channel expression; 4) the Thai learners studying Japanese language maximally applied the back-channel expression to signal the speaker that they are listening.

For the estimation of the causes, it could be concluded that the Thai cultural. Therefore, the competence regarding the Japanese language and opportunities to apply the Japanese language are the factors promoting the learners to well apply the back-channel expression. Promoting the leaners to develop their Japanese language capability and increasing the opportunity of applying the Japanese language with Japanese peoples in various out-of-class channels such as online chat programs will increase the learners’ performance in applying the back-channel expression.


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