A Comparison between Japanese and Thai Buddha Images


  • Junichi Kuwano


Buddha images, Nyorai, Image retouching


This article provides the author’s point of view of Buddha images in Thailand incomparison with those of Japan. Buddha images in Japan are generally classified into Nyorai,Bosatsu, Myouou, and Tenbu. However, the Buddha images in Thailand can be classified accordingto the postures of the images, such as sitting, standing, reclining, or walking. All ofthem are considered as Nyorai in Japan (the appearance of the style after Shakyamuni hadbeen “awakened”). The description of Buddha images employed here is based on historicalperiods, such as Dvaravati, Khmer, and Thai from the Sukhothai period. The topics on theBuddha images discussed here are: 1) the original work and image retouching, 2) Thai Buddhaimages for the days of the week, and 3) the gestures performed by the hands of the Buddhaimage.



