

  • อำพา แก้วกำกง


Japan, Cambodia, Educational development, Equitable access to basic education, Partnership


Japan has shown great determination in assisting Cambodia in every aspect in orderto enhance Cambodians’ quality of life. With regard to the education sector, Cambodiahas suffered terribly from both revolution and war. Cambodia’s education system has beencompletely destroyed by these circumstances. For this reason, Japan has been supportingeducational development in Cambodia through the Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA), and by working together with partners such as international organizations, and NGOs.As education is a vital mechanism for social and economic development, Japan has providedgrants and technical cooperation to Cambodia for various educational development activities.In particular, Japan has been playing a key role in supporting basic educational expansion andaccess to basic education for Cambodian youth in order to reduce the inequality of educationcaused by gender discrimination. Thus, Japan is a signifi cant partner that brings hope for abetter quality of life to Cambodian people by assisting Cambodia in enhancing its educationalsystem, which may lead to sustainable development.



