Proactive Education Quality Assurance Model for Risk Management in The 21ST Century for Basic Education Schools
Main Article Content
The objective of this research were to find out the risk, risk management, educational quality assurance for risk management and develop a model of proactive educational assurance for risk management in the 21st century of basic education institutions. The population studied was teachers and school administrators in the north-eastern region. Under the Office of the Basic Education Commission responsible for educational quality assurance and risk jobs in 12,177 schools. The sample consisted of 1,045 administrators and teachers. Data providers were 342 administrators and 703 teachers. The research instruments used in collecting the data were questionnaires and draft evaluation forms. The quantitative data were analyzed using the descriptive statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis and data classification.
The results of the study revealed that:
- 1. The risk in basic education institutions in general is at a moderate level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the top 3 ranked by average were 1) impact 2) input and 3) outcome.
- 2. Overall risk management in basic education institutions at a high level when considering each aspect, it was found that the areas with the highest mean values are the top 3 included that 1) information and communication 2) objective setting and 3) control activities.
- 3. Educational quality assurance for risk management in the 21st century of schools was at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect that has the highest mean value is quality assessment.
4. Proactive quality assurance models for risk management in the 21st century of basic education institutions was “3 Quality, 5 Factors to risk management in the 21st century” (Q3 IPOOI). Consisted of 1) educational quality assurance for risk management were 3 aspects, 2) risk factors there were 5 aspects, and 3) risk management in the 21st century there were 8 factors.
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