An Analysis of Women’s Lipstick: Beauty Enhancement to Sexual Implication

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เนตรนภา สวยสี
ปราณี สีนาค


Lipstick is one of the cosmetic products that has been scorned, rejected, and accepted from the past to the present. Though it is a tool used to enhance beauty, actually people use it for more than one purpose. Thus, this paper investigates 1) how lipstick is used both consciously and unconsciously from beauty enhancement to sexual implication and 2) how it is considered the most indispensable item in women’s makeup bags. The results showed that women wear lipstick with the purpose of keeping their beauty alive to have confidence with direct and indirect messages of sexual implication while keeping their roles and themselves recognized within society. Lipstick is additionally represented as a symbol of power, sophistication or rebellion, courage, optimism, and plenty of more looking on the intended purposes of the wearer. More aspects will be discussed.

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How to Cite
สวยสี เ., & สีนาค ป. (2020). An Analysis of Women’s Lipstick: Beauty Enhancement to Sexual Implication. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์บูรณาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 7(1), 173–190. สืบค้น จาก


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