The Implementation of the Plan for the ASEAN Community of Bangkok in the Year 2015

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ชุติมา ปิงเมือง


This research study aimed to examine the implementation of the plan for the ASEAN community of Bangkok in the year 2558 by stating the advantages and limitations in practice for the implementation of the plan to improve further and offer guidance on the preparation of Bangkok and to provide appropriate and consistent with the various changes in Thailand to becoming a part of ASEAN.

The study used qualitative research consists of a document study and in-depth interviews by a group composed of senior executives of Bangkok as policymakers and planners and staff those responsible for the Bangkok Plan of the ASEAN community by 2558, using data analysis, content analysis integrated with data from the literature and research papers, then synthetic descriptive information about the conclusion with the implementation of the plan for the ASEAN community of Bangkok in the year 2558 that actual results in the time period of the past as well as the problems and limitations. In adopting such a policy into practice as well as offer guidance on the preparation of Bangkok in the ASEAN community.

The study showed that In the process of implementation of the strategy as four areas: (1) strategic entry into the ASEAN Political and Security Asia (2) strategic entry into the ASEAN Economic Community (3) strategic entry into the Socio-Cultural Community ASEAN (4). Strategic readiness of ASEAN's Bangkok. The sample is of the opinion that corresponding. Bangkok has to drive according to the strategy fully in all aspects, including the evaluation continues, but in every part of the regulatory control operations according to these initiatives. I found that to be in the form of normal practice, the only hope is to complete the structural work on the strategy and also mounted on a strictly bureaucratic rules too much. Lack of Flexibility and do not allow the execution units abilities applied or plan to comply with the social reality can be very substantial. Meanwhile, the lack of involvement of various sectors, literally.


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ปิงเมือง ช. (2018). The Implementation of the Plan for the ASEAN Community of Bangkok in the Year 2015. วารสารสังคมศาสตร์บูรณาการ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล, 2(2), 215–228. สืบค้น จาก


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