Factors Influencing the Price of Rubber in Thailand
Main Article Content
In this study aims to: (1) for examine the impact of economic factors in the retail oil prices in Thailand, (2) for study the relationship between economic factors and the retail oil prices in Thailand, and (3) explore the trend of retail oil prices in Thailand in the future. The study uses data from January 2017 to December 2021, covering a period of 60 months. The economic factors analyzed include crude oil prices, the inflation rate, and the exchange rate. Using correlation analysis, it was found that crude oil prices in the global market, inflation rates in Thailand, exchange rates, and the retail oil prices in Thailand all have a positive correlation.
The results of this study can serve as a reference for policymakers in Thailand to understand the relationship between economic factors and retail oil prices in Thailand, which can assist in adjusting policies that influence the pricing of goods and services, thus benefiting the people and serving as a guideline for improving the agricultural economy in Thailand.
Keywords: economic factors, retail oil prices in Thailand
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